Warning to the new and past European Nations (EU)! (1)
At the picture they see the Austrian Foreign Minister as well as the Kaerntner national Gouvernator Joerg Haider.
In Austria governed since 2000 a middle/ RIGHT coalition of https://www.oevp.at and www.fpoe.at
In Traiskirchen (www.traiskirchen.at) there is the greatest building for MEMBERS
which in their homeland to be politically pursued and in Austria asylum get.
But much people with children are in April 2004 sleaping on the street.
Its a dark time in Austria, it`s not the same time because under
ADOLF HITLER, but if you come to AUSTRIA forget in no situation your documents.
Otherwise it can happened that as before not long time you in a bar ends, with a nummer on your legs. (If you are a woman)
In Austria governed since 2000 a middle/ RIGHT coalition of https://www.oevp.at and www.fpoe.at
In Traiskirchen (www.traiskirchen.at) there is the greatest building for MEMBERS
which in their homeland to be politically pursued and in Austria asylum get.
But much people with children are in April 2004 sleaping on the street.
Its a dark time in Austria, it`s not the same time because under
ADOLF HITLER, but if you come to AUSTRIA forget in no situation your documents.
Otherwise it can happened that as before not long time you in a bar ends, with a nummer on your legs. (If you are a woman)
closed part 1, translated by google
Part 2: UMVOLKUNG, correction in a german
Part 3: Himmel und Hölle, heaven and hell
RokkerMur - 2004.04.23, 00:26