the next letter to Alistair Darling from austria 2007

Nachdem Vizekatzler a.D. Gorbach den britischen Finanzminister wegen eines Jobs "anschnorrte" ORF,
dachte ich das kann ich auch.
Ich war ja immerhin Schattenkanzler ohne das "Vize" - auf den Vizekanzler haben wir geschissen.Auf unseren, den es nie gab.
Also schreiben wir, Gorbach meinte:
The world in Vorarlberg ist too small.
Alistar statt Alistair.
If you know about any area of operation for myself, where I am able to intend all my experiences and my know-how, please let me know, I am available anytime for further information.
Dear Mister Star !
You know i comes from the country with the strauss, not the bird - the composer.
Its great.
You has a Job for me but no Job for Mister Gorbach.
For Information please call your friend Hubsi and Hubsi calls via
GESTAPO, STAPO,POLICE (the Austrian MI5) me !!!, that i can
by your MI5 start my work.
I was a great leading chief and take all suspekt british persons to GUANTANAMO. (Cuba)
Your friend
Wolfgang Kirchleitner, Schattenkanzler a.D.
ps: I am a better friend as Hubert Gorbach to you.
Alles klar, liebe Leser ?
2 Anmerkungen:
*das isser,
** KURIER über den peinlichen Typen H.G.